Manifesto | Sunflower Symbology | Lisa Lifestyle

The Lisa Lifestyle 

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One of the virtues of being very young is that you don’t let facts get in the way of your imagination
— Sam Levenson
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When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.
— Unknown

Lisa’s Use The Breath To Heal And Peacefully Communicate

Life starts and ends with the breath. It increases in quality & pleasure the more it is practiced & used as medicine.

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Slowing Down Is A Power Mode

Lisas remember to "Slow Down". They know the best way to slow down is to consciously breathe deeply. The let the speed of their breath dictacte their tempo of movement.

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If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going

Lisas remember "I am going to be fine". They practice saying this to themselves in times of duress. They set a reminder on their phone that tells them this.

They do not let past events dictate or predict how current events will unfold.


Manifesto | Sunflower Symbology | Lisa Lifestyle